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A bit of a change

I have found it hard to blog for quite a while.  Sometimes it was just that I didn't have an idea,while at others it was more to do with the fact that I was not sure that anyone would care what I was putting.  I had pretty much given up over here and was happy to just let the tumble weed blow.


But then......


I got to thinking, which is always dangerous, should I really care what other people think about what I am putting down? I came to the conclusion that really I shouldn't.  


So then I got to more thinking, what would I write about?  Part of the problem before was that I could not think of things that interested me sufficiently to actually motivated to write them down.  It is not like I get to spend a great deal of the day considering world events or items in the news, would I have enough?  I eventually decided that yes I would, if I wrote about the general day to day stuff that I am dealing with - life with my boys.  

There are 100's of Mum blogs out there, and loads of them are great.  I mean really, really great.  You get awesome advise and tips and all that other good stuff and in no way am I looking to emulate them.  I was not ready to turn this area into total mum central so I'm keeping a couple of sections just for my ramblings, and setting up a couple of others for the kid/family stuff. 

As a parent I think it is great to get advise from other people who are struggling/have struggled with some of the stuff you are, and to get ideas, because lord knows it is easy to get stuck in a rut. So here I am, ready to muse and i would love it if you would come along on the adventure with me

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