Entries in Inspiration (1)


Inspiration.....Not so much

I just had a look and realised it has been a long time since I posted anything so I sat and had a think about it and realised that I just had no inspiration to do much writing at all.  Thinking about it a little further I figured that perhaps the best way to be motivated was just to start....so here goes.

So not an awful lot has been going on other than work, training and now the next stage of the photography course - though this time its a bit more advanced

Training has been going good - each week I am able to see a little bit more of an improvement and I feel motivated to go back.  Ricky is going to be starting a new 10 week fitness challenge (fit in the ciity) which I am going to sign up for, so hopefully things will come on a little further.  I remain hopeful

I am now really into my kindle - it rocks and I have a pike of books on it.. For simple ease of use and transport it is the best, though recently I have put it to one side as I have gone back to the Werewolf  RPG books which are not on Kindle and, to be honest would not work there.  I have had real issues with trying to work out how you GM a game when the actions of the players can change the path you are on.  It is something that just not come naturally to me.  When I write, I love the fact that I have some control over where the characters and the plot go and to loose that is, I guess, a little scary.  Never the less I shall endeavour and see what happens.  There are a couple of RPG's that only require a couple of players so I may try GM'ing one of those and see how I go with that - perhaps it will sink in.... though I remain unconvinced.

I have been making an attempt to make better use of Blip and post a few images from day to day stuff through to what I have been doing on the course - I continue to be impressed with the site and it is great get inspiration from others images too.