
Up from the depths 

No this is not Godzilla - or even Godzookie, but it is something that they would have fought given half a chance.

The first colossal squid has been caught by some fishermen and it is indeed collosal check it out here

Now there are those that have asked if I am on special quid alert - I am not but man that is just freaky and looking at my last post I have to wonder will this be something else that we kill off in the same way we did the mammals of Australia, via global warming or over fishing etc. If you think about it folks have never seen a colossal squid whole before now but now we know loads about them - but are they being seen more and more as he sea warms?

There was a cool book called Meg by Steve Altan about a creature who comes up from the depths and causes all kinds of bother. The book is kinda like Jaws - just less well written to my mind - but it is fun non the less. Anyway back to the point - the reason that Meg turns up is that the oceans are warming up even down in the uncharted depths. I guess the question we have to ask is whether or not this could well be happening now.

Kinda makes you wonder

Skippy to the power of 10 ......or there about

Now here's a thing, I was reading the paper today and saw an interesting article about the extinction of animals. Ok so I know that there is nothing new about animals either becoming extinct, or even being on the brink of extinction so it is odd that it would be in the news.

Now we all know that there are a number of creatures which have become extinct and that there have been a number of different reasons for the extinction from man to climate but that is not what was scary about this article. What was odd was he size of the creatures we are talking about.

In Australia they had creatures which were the size of a double decker bus and by creatures I am not talking about dinos here - think more along the lines of Kangaroos and wombats - yep thats right - imagine skippy the size of a double decker.

Anyhow - you can read the article here man was the killer

Pondering and WOW

Today I have mostly I have been sitting and working on getting better. I have been up since 5am as Rob had to get up in order to get his car to the airport. I decided that I would try and take a nap but that did not work out so I have mooched and burbled about the house for the rest of the day.

I have spent a while playing WOW today. We have the expansion pack for the Burning Crusades. It is quite cool. There are 2 new races, Blood Elves and Drennai. I have had a go at both of them and they are pretty cool.

The Blood elves (Belfs) start off pretty strong and they are good fun to play. They character spec is pretty much a mana vampire. They are on the Horde side of the racial split (so are considered to be the bad guys by most folks along with the Orcs, un-dead and Torens) Each of the races have their own sound and the Belfs are very very British sounding. Your archetypal Hollywood bad guys. They have pretty fancy armor and gear to start with and the new starter quests are interesting enough that it makes it fun to play the character as they go up levels.

The Drennai are kind of cloven hoved sea creatures who are on the Alliance side (who are kinda considered to be good guys). A lot of the guys have been playing the Drennai as they have the shaman role which previously was only on the Horde side of the game. I am not enjoying playing my Drennai hunter at the minute but I think that is because I am not used to the Hunter character and the way you need to play it

Wow is something that we have been playing rather than watching telly or just generally being bored. The big advantage of it is that there is a strong social aspect to the whole thing. While you can play the game in isolation at some stage you need to interact with other folks who are playing in the game. Usually I am a solitary game player. I like to be left in peace and to just work through things myself, so Wow was a challenge for me, but I think I am getting there.

The strange thing is that you can RP (Role Play) or not in the game if you want to and really the level you buy in is up to you. Now don’t get me wrong there are folks on there that will really bug your happiness but that it true of anything that you do I think. The other strange thing is that you learn a whole new etiquette while playing the game, and it is an etiquette that applies regardless of the people you are playing with, because you know nothing about then. Age, gender etc go out the window,

Sure there are folks who get on better and even folks that know each other and play together but on the whole it is pretty inclusive and thats nice. What is also really nice is that there are a number of other husband and wife teams who play together. I think that this really helps with good team work and it means that rather than mindlessly watching the telly together we are actually doing something together which is also relaxing. There are a number of folks that we know who also play the game and the fact that the we can skype up means that you can have a social interaction with folks who are not in the room with you and it is kinda cool.

Well I guess I have rambled enough - it is late and I have to get up early tomorrow to get to work so thats me for the night



Lurgie strikes again

I have more lurgie. Having just got rid of he flu/cold over christmas I am now stuck with even more bugs. There seems to be something going around all of the offices where we work and I have spent the past week and a bit feeling like I have been chewed up and spat out by some nasty monster

I am now on the mend - I think which is cool, but on the downside Robert is away with work again.

Well thats about it - currently I have been up since 5am after a really restless nights sleep so I am feeling beat. I am off for a cup of coffee and possibly some chocolate as well


Snootchie bootchies

Its been a while since I wrote anything about any of the books that I have been reading of late - not because I have not been reading but more becuase i have been feeling somewhat apathetic.  Anyways now I am on a roll so thought I would tell y'all about it

Silent Bob Speaks: The Collected Writings of Kevin Smith

I am not usually a massive fan of books which are the collective writings of whom ever.  Usually I find that I have a limited tollerance level for reading these things as they are invariably dry and hard to digest, or last too long.  I decided that I would make an exception for Silent Bob Speaks.

Most people will be well aware of the fact that I am a Kevin Smith fan.  I have seen and indeed own all of the Jersey films and never fail to be amused by Jay, Bob et al and their antics.  I have even seen Kevin Smith do QA sessisons in a Evening with Kevin Smith.  I guess its official I am a Kevin Smith fan boy - I mean come on the man makes films, gets to write comics and seems to really enjoy life - how can you not be a fan. 

Anyhow when I came across this book I figured I would give it a shot - everything else he has done really entertained me - so why the hell not.

The book takes the format of a number of articles which Smith was commisioned to write for Arena magazine and a few other publications and it gives you an insite into the man and the world that he operates in.  Each set of articles links to the previous one - though sometimes in a tenuious manner to give you a series of accounts which read like a strange stream of conciousness.

I have to say that I have been really impressed with the book. It has been a while since I have read something which has made me laugh out loud - but this did it. It made people stare at me in an even stranger way than normal (and I was not waering my hat with horns).

If you are looking for a light and amusing, yet strangely informative book then this would be one I could recommend - even if it is just for the intro and the chat about what happened when he met Michael Moore.

Silent Bob Speaks: The Collected Writings of Kevin Smith