There have been a number of shows that have had spin off products, from action figures through to graphic novels and Castle is no exception.
Through out season 1 and 2 Rick Castle is working on a book Heat Wave based on his experiences on working with NYC Murder Detective Kate Beckett. Well the book now really exists and you too can purchase it from Amazon. Any how though out the show they make reference to a number of things about the book, including it's contents and the fact that there is a "sex scene on page 105".
It's taken me a while but I eventually got around to purchasing said book - I am a sucker for things like that at the best of times, and I figured that it would be somewhat different from the one that you see in the series. Low and behold today the book turns up and, to my great surpruse, other than the fact that it does not look as thick, there in my hand is a replica of the book. Colour me impressed. I figured that would be it in terms of how aligned to the show the book would be, but enquirning minds neaded to know, so I flicked to P105 and guess what - they were right- it is indeed there. Now that is continuity (and the fan girl in me thinks it is cool)
And my favourite moment thus far in to season 2?
It has to be the start of Vampire Weekend - for sure it is a fan girl moment but you know what - it still Rocks
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